Review: The Infinite Sea

The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Po přečtení prvního dílu jsem byla hodně nadšená a těšila se na pokračování. Bohužel má očekávání (a že nebyla nikterak přehnaná) se nenaplnila a s knihou jsem víceméně celou dobu dost bojovala. Místy se kniha četla skorem sama, ale převážná část druhé části plánované trilogie mě doslova nudila a musela jsem se ke čtení nutit. Já, knihomol. Asi se musím pochválit, že jsem knihu neodložila a statečně ji dolouskala. Sérii ale asi dočtu, zajímá mě, jak tahle parta dorostenců dopadne.

Ukázka z knihy:

She smiled archly. "Do you want to go for a walk?"

They wandered over to the deserted show grounds and sat on the bleachers. The first stars appeared. The night was warm, the air moist. Grace wore a pair of shorts and a sleeveless white blouse with a lace collar. Sitting close to her, Evan could smell licorice.

"This is it," he said, nodding at the empty corral with its mangled floor of sawdust and manure.


"The future."

She laughed as if he'd made a joke. "The world ends. The world ends and the world begins again. It's always been that way."

"You're never afraid of what's coming? Never?"

"Never." Hugging the stuffed tiger in her lap. Her eyes seemed to take on the color of whatever she looked at. Now she was looking up at the darkening sky, and her eyes were bottomless black.

They spoke for a few minutes in their native language, but it was difficult and they gave up quickly. Too many words were un pronounceable. He noticed that she was much calmer afterward, and he realized it wasn't the future that frightened her; it was the past, the fact that she feared the entity inside her body was a figment of a young human girl's shattered mind. Meeting Evan validated her existence.

"You're not alone," he told her. He looked down and discovered her hand in his. Once hand for him, the other for the tiger.

"That's been the worst part," she agreed. "Feeling as if you're the only person in the universe. That the whole thing is here," touching her chest, "and nowhere else."

Years later, he would read something quite similar in the diary of another sixteen-year-old girl, the one he found and lost, found, then lost again:

Sometimes I think I might be the last human on Earth.

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